No Earthly Man
April 2005 | Uncut | Louis Pattison
Will Oldham-assisted third solo LP for true Scottish laird of the Drag City roster. Read more…
No Earthly Man
Sunday March 20, 2005 | The Observer | Kitty Empire
Scot Alasdair Roberts has released three excellent albums as Appendix Out and two under his own name, his spectral folk drawing comparisons with fellow travellers such as Will Oldham. Read more…
No Earthly Man
Sunday March 20, 2005 | The Times | Stewart Lee
Roberts’ decision to abandon the indie rockers Appendix Out and devote himself to traditional music has resulted in three fine solo albums, of which this is the crowning achievement. Read more…
Solid forankret
15 February 2005 | Aftenposten | Arild R. Andersen
Skotske Alasdair Roberts blir gjerne assosiert med den nye folkbevegelsen, og han er avgjort blant dens sterkeste tradisjonalister. Read more…